Digital Challenge
Disruptive technology is the technology that replaces existing technologies in companies by creating new business models, completely new products and completely new industries.Prof. Clayton M. Christensen 1952, Harvard Business School
What is happening in post-industrial world?
According to Prof. Christensen, disruption occurs when a small firm without many resources, for example, a start-up is able to challenge large firmly established companies or is able to capture totally new markets using digital and other disruptive technologies.
Major disruptive technologies for the 21st century are: 5G Mobile Internet, Internet of Things, Cloud Technology, advanced Robotics, Intelligent Vehicles, 3D Printing, Advanced Material, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, New Genomics, Renewable Energy Generation & Energy Storage. Successful companies are today implementing one or a combination of disruptive technologies to create competitive advantage in the fast-changing post-industrial environment.
Disruptive technologies are enabling Industry 4.0 paradigm.

We are helping companies to understand rapid technology change, to implement disruptive technologies and to approach the 4th industrial revolution!
Our services and experience
Digital health-check
Analysis of the impact of digital and disruptive technologies on the sector in which the company operates.
Analysis of the application of digital technologies and disruptive technologies in the company.
Digital transformation strategy
What are the realistic scenarios for the application of new technologies and digital transformation of companies? With which existing market players do we need to establish partnerships in the process of digital transformation?
Which digital platforms will we use, which technologies will we develop internally and what staff do we need? How should we address cybersecurity issues? How much investment is needed and what are the expected returns (effects)?
These are questions that, together with your team, we will look for answers to and develop a customized digital transformation strategy for your company.