Marketing & Branding
Many factors contribute to the success of a company: a suitable strategy, committed employees, a good internal flow of information, tradition and position in the respective market just as consistently apply today's marketing methods.Philip Kotler 1931, Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management
What is Marketing?
Marketing is the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large (American Marketing Association, 2017).
Marketing’s job is to create real value for some defined group. A company creates value by (1) developing an attractive product or service, (2) pricing it right, (3) placing it so that it is easy to find and get, and (4) promoting it so that the intended market knows about the product’s existence and develops a desire for it. We call these the 4Ps of the Marketing Mix.
The company hopes to acquire economic wealth (profits) through its activities. Enlightened companies will also want to contribute to environmental wellness, social well-being, and human wisdom (the 4Ws).
An appropriate marketing strategy helps companies to achieve their economic and wider social goals. Successful businesses are unthinkable without proper marketing strategies and efficient marketing operations.

We are helping you to develop and implement successful marketing strategy and effective marketing operations!
Our Services and Experience
Marketing Strategy
Marketing observes the needs of consumers that a company should satisfy. The majority of the company's strategic planning is based on marketing variables: market share, market development and market growth. Marketing planning is a part of the company's strategy.
Marketing Research
Accurate and thorough information is the foundation of all successful businesses. Market research provides relevant data and information for solving market challenges. A successful marketing strategy is based on market segmentation and product differentiation. This would not be possible without market research. We carry out market (marketing) research for our customers in order to develop a suitable marketing strategy.
Brand Management & IMC
Branding is a function of marketing that uses own techniques to increase the perceived value of a product line or brand over time, create positive brand associations, build loyal customers, and strong brand awareness. Our goal is to help marketing professionals increase brand equity and increase brand performance.
Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) is "a concept that recognizes the added value of a comprehensive plan that evaluates the strategic roles of a variety of communication disciplines and combines these disciplines to ensure clarity, consistency and maximum communication impact".
Based on our knowledge and experience, we can offer you tailor-made brand management and ICM solutions in the following areas:
- Assessment of the brand portfolio and brand value(s);
- Brand architecture strategy;
- Brand Equity Building;
- Integrated marketing communication strategy;
- Strategies for IMC categories: brand visibility, advertising (traditional and digital), sales promotion, direct sales and digital platforms.
Digital Marketing
Marketers are facing a dilemma: they aren‘t sure what‘s working, they‘re feel unable to meet the challenges of the digital, and they‘re having a tough time keeping up with the pace of change in the industry ... (Ann Lewens, CMO, Adobe).
We are helping our clients to provide a basic understanding of digital marketing, digital marketing strategy, tactics and tools. As recommended in the literature and in best practice, we follow a five-step approach:
- Adopt a digital mindset
- Embrace a new model
- Formulate a new strategy
- Execute its implementation
- Generate sustainability
Lateral Marketing
The man who cannot visualize a horse galloping on a tomato is an idiotAndré Breton
Lateral marketing is a work process which, when applied to existing products or services, produces innovative new products and services that cover needs, uses, situations, or targets not currently covered and, therefore, is a process that offers a high chance of creating new categories or markets (F. Trias de Bes).
Lateral Marketing could provide an answer to any of following questions:
- What other needs can I satisfy with my product if I change it?
- What other needs can I incorporate in my product to make it different?
- Which segment of prospect consumer market could I reach changing my products?
- What other products (subcategories) can I offer to my current consumers/clients?
- In what other situations can my product be used if I change it?
- What else can my product be used for?
- What market situation can I generate on order to attack a given product?